We provide a comprehensive donor program that includes:
— Donor Oocytes
— Donor Sperm (include Therapeutic Donor Insemination
— Donor embryos
If you are faced with the decision of whether egg donation is the right option for you, we can help. We have a dedicated team that works closely with all donor patients, handling all the issues and providing the ultimate care. Donor oocyte, also known as egg donor, is never a couple’s only option, but may be the best way to achieve the goal of having a healthy child.
Egg donation involves the use of a donated egg or oocyte (from a healthy woman) that is inseminated with sperm and the resulting embryo is transferred to the recipient’s uterus.
A woman may seek egg donation due to an absence of ovaries, premature ovarian failure, or sterility from prior chemotherapy or radiation. Donor oocyte is also used in patients with a history of poor response in prior IVF cycles, recurrent pregnancy loss, and genetic diseases with a high risk of transmission.
Many infants are conceived each year using donor sperm. Couples may choose to go this route when the husband/partner has no sperm or a very poor semen analysis (azoospermia, oligospermia, poor motility), or when there is a genetic problem, which could be inherited from the male.
Single women who want a biological child may also use donor insemination (DI).
One must be psychologically ready to proceed with DI. For this reason, our program requires you to meet with our counselor when using any type of donor gametes (egg or sperm). It is essential that both partners feel comfortable with the decision and that all fears and questions be openly discussed. For some, it may mean dealing with various moral and ethical questions; for others, exploring questions about donor selection and whether to be open about the decision to do DI and whether to tell a child conceived by DI how they were conceived.
If you are wondering where donated embryos come from, the answer is they are donated by people who have completed their own fertility treatment and wish to help others, or by those who cannot use them in their own care.
The use of donated embryos in your treatment may be recommended if:
— you and your partner have fertility problems that mean you are less likely to be successful using your own sperm and/or eggs
— you, your partner or both have a serious condition that would be inherited by any children you have and you wish to avoid passing it on, such as Huntington’s disease
— you are single and post-menopausal.